

空运货物非实木的胶合板包装发到美国,海关查货后,发出下列通知,重点关于 第12部分, 和第16部分。


  1. ISP, 15 MARKING 就是我们通常说的熏蒸标识,所有的出口的木质包装都会有这样的标识,是对称的。
  2. NON-COMPLIANT意思是不合格,不合规,没有遵守法律
  3. 7 CFR319.69 代表的意思是 “不得使用新鲜的和干的植物源性包装材料(例如稻草)


After the air cargo is sent to the United States in plywood packing of non solid wood, the customs will issue the following notice, focusing on parts 12 and 16.

The specific knowledge points are as follows:

         1. ISP, 15 marketing is what we usually call fumigation logo. All export wooden packages will have such logo, which is symmetrical.
         2. Non-compliant means non conformity, non-compliance, non-compliance with the law
         3. 7 cfr319.69 means "fresh and dry plant-based packaging materials (such as straw) shall not be used."
The final result is to get rid of the package and return it to China after delivery.

版权所有:安徽海德国际物流有限公司  地址:安徽省芜湖市万达广场二期3号楼906室 联系电话:0553-5840720 皖ICP备12005373号-1
