


For the export of dangerous goods by sea, the pre-approval shall be made as follows:

1. 产品的鉴定报告,如果您不确定找那个机构做产品的鉴定,请一定咨询属地海关,因为您要在属地海关(原来的商检)出危包证,所以他说的机构肯定是他们可以接受的。

1. Product identification report. If you are not sure which organization you want to go to for product identification, please consult the local customs. Because you need to issue a dangerous package certificate at the local customs (the original commodity inspection), the organization he said must be acceptable to them.

下面是一个做好的鉴定报告, 行业内我们简称“货物鉴定书”

The following is a good appraisal report. In the industry, we call it "cargo appraisal"

2. 危险品的包装也是要做鉴定的,包装的必须符合产品鉴定书的要求。示例如下;版本有点老了

 3. 有了产品报告,有了包装的报告,就可以申请出证了,这个证就是出口报关需要的危包证。 示例如下


Before applying for the dangerous package certificate, please stick up the shipping mark. Although there is no fixed requirement, the original integrity is better. Suggestions are as follows



2. 危险货物说明书。

When the Customs has no problem checking the goods on the spot, they can start to find us to book the space and deliver the goods. In addition to the dangerous package certificate, the special documents that need to be provided for the export declaration are
2. Instructions for dangerous goods.

其他的文件,就很简单了, 按照我们的要求提供信息,准备资料,因为每一个港口的要求不尽相同,请随时联系我们。

Other documents are very simple. Please provide information and prepare information according to our requirements. Because the requirements of each port are different, please feel free to contact us.

最后,空运危险品出口除了上面的流程外,还需要到航空公司指定的机构做一个产品产品鉴定报告,中国国内主要是DGM 和上化院两家公司可以出具报告。



Finally, in addition to the above process, the export of dangerous goods by air also needs to make a product identification report at the organization designated by the airline, which can be issued by DGM and Shanghai Chemical hospital in China.
If you don't have a dangerous package certificate, we can also help you modify the package and make a good one at the airport.
Professional dangerous goods logistics, or need our professional operation, please feel free to contact us.

版权所有:安徽海德国际物流有限公司  地址:安徽省芜湖市万达广场二期3号楼906室 联系电话:0553-5840720 皖ICP备12005373号-1
